Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Where is Anne?

A few months ago I was in the Portland office and walked into my friend, Aleta's, office. She was holding her cell phone out extended away from her and smiling like a Cheshire cat at it. Once she noticed me standing there, Aleta sheepishly admited that she took photos of herself doing random stuff at random times and sent them to her husband as a little way of saying, "hi."

And I thought that was freaking AWESOME!

I'm often in different locations because I travel so much for work. And I'm often by myself. But there's usually something fun going on, or at least something fun going on in my head, and I don't have anyone to instantly share my fun with. So I started taking random photos and sending them to Will to say "hi dere" because I love him and I think about him a lot.

In that spirit, I took this photo today - the first person to correctly guess where I am will win fabulous prizes. The prizes get more fabulous the more accurate and specific you are. Start guessing!


Unknown said...

Ahhh ... Statue of Liberty? Empire State Building?

Hendirks said...

Nope. Wrong state. :) Think further west.

Unknown said...

Ummm ... DIA or Chicago O'Hare? (On your way to NYC?)

Aleta said...

More photos, please!

Hendirks said...

O'Hare! On my way from the F concourse to the B... Kath is the winner! Um, something fabulous is coming your way. :)