I was home for the first snowfall of the season! Every time I left town on a work trip I was worried that I'd miss the first snowfall, that it would come without me. I'm not sure why seeing the snow for the first time felt like such a big deal. But there's something magic about waking up to a snow scape outside, feeling all warm snugly inside. And the first snowfall came later than usual this year (it usually happens on Halloween). So maybe the anticipation was being built up.
It just seemed like something that would be tragic to miss. And I didn't miss it. I got to enjoy the dusting of snow that we got. Snow means that skiing is coming soon. And Christmas! And also the usual scrape-your-car-off for death defying drives to work too... but that only affects me if I have to drive to the airport.
Saturday - Adventures in Babysitting
Will and I babysat our friends' little girl, Malia, for a few hours on Saturday night. I used to be a babysitting champ when I was in middle school. What else did I have to do on the weekends, right? But as soon as high school came along, that gravy train gave out because it turned out I liked kids my own age a whole lot more than little kids.
So it has been awhile since I've been hanging out with a kid sans a responsible adult. And no, I don't qualify as a responsible adult. But, I had Will for reinforcements. So off we went.
It was actually fun. Malia is 2 and getting her molars in. So her mom was worried that she might be a little bit off. She threw a few puzzle pieces at Will, but I don't know if that qualifies as "off" or "playing."
We went out to eat and had a little bit of an adventure with the car seat. You see, Will let Malia pick out her own jacket and she picked out the biggest, fluffiest red snow parka to wear. And Malia and her jacket didn't both fit into the car seat. So, we took off the jacket, strapped the kid in the car seat and used the parka as a blanket. I know, we're brilliant. But I think Malia thought we were pretty dumb due to the whole 10 minutes of figuring out the car seat part.
All in all, the night was a roaring success - as Will said, Malia still had all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. So we'd done a good job.
Sunday - Pain
I woke up in pain on Sunday. The throbbing, knife searing pain that comes and goes with my Crohn's. I haven't had it since surgery in January. But there it was, ruining my day.
Usually, when I get this kind of pain, I end up in the ER throwing up all over the place. It was really fun to do that on a work trip where my boss had to take me into the ER. Fortunately, she was awesome and a half and even though I loved working for her before that, I really loved working for her after. She stayed in the ER with me chatting about all kinds of silliness until I got discharged at 3 am.
And then a few months before our wedding, I had another case where I ended up in the ER. Fortunately, I was in Boulder and Will could take me. And he hung out with me in the ER until almost 5 am. We put the whole "in sickness and in health" stuff to test well before getting married - and lucky for me Will was still up for the job.
So yesterday, I was determined not to end up throwing up in the Boulder ER. I found some remaining pain meds from my surgery and took them. Which knocked me out - my brain and body were worthless yesterday. But I got a chance to watch some movies and sleep off the pain meds. It wasn't the way I planned to spend my day, but it also didn't end up with throwing up in the ER. So, I'd call it a draw.
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